Take control of your happiness with these 5 tips
I did what I thought needed to be done.
I thought to myself “now what?”. How come the next day I didn’t wake up happier? How come I didn’t feel free?
I got my driver’s license. I graduated from college. I moved into my own apartment. I resigned from the job that I was unhappy with. I ended a few toxic relationships that I was in. I had a second job and although I really liked it, the environment wasn’t the best for the person I was becoming. I was one semester away from obtaining my university certificate. On paper I had all my shit together but in reality i had a gut feeling something wasn’t quite right.
At that time it seemed like I had no notion of the meaning of the word patience. I was tired mentally, angry and I was feeling empty. It was unlike me, I’m naturally extroverted and joyful. Deep down, I knew I was responsible for my happiness.
I made a choice; to take control of my happiness. I decided to start my healing process and to create my own freedom.
The following 5 steps are nothing magical, they most definitely not happen overnight. What they’re tho is what worked and is still working for me. I am sharing in the hope that it will help you to not only believe you deserve to live your best life but also that with dedication and perseverance, you can!!!
I aspire to inspire you to create your freedom !
1. Dream big and nothing less

Set goals and take daily actions to reach them, avoid distractions. When I am working on a project, I put my phone on silent (not on vibrate) and i leave it in another room so I don’t get distracted. I believe in visualization. Every year, I create a mood board with pictures and words that triggers my desire to get closer to my vision. It will one day become my reality. Don’t forget to slow down a bit sometimes and appreciate your now.
2. Keep a healthy routine
Have fun!
Spend time with your friends weekly or sit down for a knitting session, maybe enjoy a glass of wine. I love spending time on Sundays to go up north with my dog and reconnect with nature!
This next step isn’t me recommending a diet, no I am saying respect your body. Be conscious of what you indulge in. It’s not so much watching what you eat. It is more about knowing what and why is good and/or bad for your body.
Drink lots of water and get enough sleep! Our bodies cannot and won’t function properly with sleep deprivation. I recently added supplements to my diet (since July 2018). I take ashwagandha and probiotics. Ashwagandha helps me with anxiety and boost my energy while probiotics keeps my immune system strong!
3. Educate yourself
Academical education (university, online courses) is one form. I strongly encourage you to pursue your education if you wish to! I currently am still studying in university.

Read books, watch videos, make researches, keep a journal etc.
Do not neglect getting to know you! Get to know your fears, use these fears to lead you to a better version of yourself. Take risks. With risks comes discomfort and doubts. Failure happens. Improve and try again. Learn to meditate. (I think this has always been the hardest for me)
One of my favourite education form is travelling. I love travelling.
Knowing new cultures, seeing new things, meeting new people, learning new languages. As a woman, I feel very privileged to live in a world where I can travel by myself safely. I recommend travelling at least once a year. Don’t take time for granted, it is never too early or too late to visit the world. We are just airports away!
4. Be cautious, not paranoid

Be cautious of who you choose to surround yourself with.
Surround yourself with people who are different then you but who share similar values and interests. Keep people who are positive and supporting in your circle. Nurture those relationship, let them know the value they add to your life!
Know that it is okay to outgrow certain people. Know that it is a form of self care to distance yourself from people whose bad habits are toxic to your lifestyle. Know that it is okay to listen to your instincts, in fact you should, always. l know it is very easy to entertain but stay away from drama. If you have a relationship where you want to save the other, stop. Save yourself. Recognize toxic pattern. It is a horrible feeling to have many people around you but to still feel lonely and alone. Loneliness is a dark place. Always remember that you have the right to do whatever it takes to protect your energy.

Embrace and celebrate each other’s differences.
When you are surrounded by the right people, you are more likely to feel energized and a feeling of belonging.
5. Stay active!
I can’t say it enough; any physical activity will bring you so much happiness! It is proven to enhance your mental health. I love working out. It makes me joyful, gives me a clear mindset, keeps me focused, makes me feel strong, helps me to stay positive. To me it is a form of meditation. I love challenging myself. I work out 3–4 times a week high intensity. Two times with a personal trainer and two times at Studio Epix . I added yoga to my routine. Honestly, I wish I liked it more. I recognize that my body really enjoy the muscles stretching and the relaxation. I try to go 2 times a week. Working out can be individual or you can have a workout partner. It can motivate you, hold you accountable even make it funnier! You can participate in a variety of group classes too or simply take a daily 30 minutes walk. I also love spending time outdoors. I recently started jogging with my dog in the early morning maybe 2 months ago, we love it! Staying active is my secret behind beating anxiety and getting trough depressed phases.