Let me introduce myself
Bonjour! Hi! My name is Sophie-Gabrielle or @glam.gabrielle from my Instagram, I am an entrepreneur, expert in Mat Pilates and Barre . I obtained my first Barre certification from Barreworks T.O. in October 2020. Within the next few months I launched my brand; GBYG. I am dedicated to a lifestyle that allows me to feel healthy and strong.
My passion and desire to wanting to help others are part of the reasons why I decided to create my brand. Recently, I officially became certified from Equinox L.A. Mat Pilates Instructor in May 2023.
My goals are to inspire you to invest in yourself!
My definition of investing into ourselves is directly linked with our Wellbeing. It is about feeling good in our skin and meeting our full potential.
How do you invest in yourself ?
You’ve got to make it a decision, to be mentally, physically, and financially healthy. It requires discipline, vulnerability and determination to grow and letting go of all your excuses.
I feel very proud to introduce you to the GbyG Brand.
The products I personally created and designed have really helped me to enhance my workouts and declutter my thoughts. I am excited for you to add value to your workouts with our GbyG wellness accessories. “Be ready to become the best version of yourself.”
Merci, Thank you!